What people have been saying about SepiaTown...
PC Mag names SepiaTown one of their Top 100 Websites of 2010!
"...a terrific mashup of Google maps and thousands of faded photos showcasing days gone by...SepiaTown is located on the border of technology and nostalgia."
New York Magazine
Put SepiaTown on their Approval Matrix (in the Highbrow/Brilliant quadrant!)
Real Simple Magazine
"...a free photographic time machine."
Laughing Squid
"...a wonderful Google Maps mashup...a compelling, interactive window onto your favorite city's history."
"Now the folks at SepiaTown are zooming in a little bit closer..."
Tekzilla Daily Webcast
"...will make the history buff in all of us squeal with joy."
L Magazine
"...what the Google Street View Time Machine should look like when they invent it..."
Film News Brief
"...it's just an insanely cool site..."
"We automatically like anything that lets us play with NYC maps...Have at it, map nerds!"
Manhattan User's Guide
"Very cool idea: the newly-launched SepiaTown is a mashup of Google maps and vintage photos."
Make Use Of
"...a cool educational tool to show students what cities and landmarks looked like since the invention of photography."
Invisible Paris
"Every now and again I come across a website that I know is going to take up far too much of my time. SepiaTown is most definitely one of those."
Bonjour Bruxelles
"Always wanted to time travel. Always wanted to see what life looked like from say the 1930s or thereabouts. And now I can with: SepiaTown"
Francophilia Gazette
"We love this!"
"It's not the only website of its kind, but it might be the nicest - not only is the interface beautifully clean and easy to navigate, but uploading images is a snap."